Package | Description |
monq.jfa |
Implements Finite Automata, deterministic and
nondeterministic, with an engine for high throughput filtering of
monq.jfa.actions |
contains general purpose classes to be used as callbacks in
finite automata created with package
monq.jfa . |
monq.programs |
a collection of command line programs.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
performs the equivalent of
Nfa.allPrefixes() on the top
element of the expression stack. |
void |
converts the automaton into one which matches all non-empty prefixes of
the given automaton.
Dfa |
Nfa.compile(DfaRun.FailedMatchBehaviour fmb)
this into a Dfa with the given
behaviour for non-matching input. |
Dfa |
Nfa.compile(DfaRun.FailedMatchBehaviour fmb,
FaAction eofAction)
compiles this non-deterministic finite automaton into a
deterministic finite automaton.
Nfa |
Nfa.completeToSkip(FaAction noMatchAction)
extends the automaton with an additonal automaton which matches
everything but all non-empty prefixes of this automaton.
void |
performs the equivalent of
Nfa.invert() on the top
element of the expression stack. |
Nfa |
inverts the automaton, such that the resulting automaton will
match the set-complement of the set of strings matched by the
given automaton.
static void |
FaToDot.main(java.lang.String[] argv)
each command line argument is taken to be a regular expression
which is added to a
Nfa with a unique action. |
void |
NfaParserView.not() |
Nfa |
implements the request match everthing but X.
void |
performs the equivalent of
Nfa.shortest() on the top
element of the expression stack. |
Nfa |
transforms the Nfa into an Nfa which only matches the
shortest matches of the given Nfa.
static Dfa |
Misc.wrapRoi(java.lang.CharSequence reStart,
FaAction startAction,
DfaRun.FailedMatchBehaviour inRoi,
java.lang.CharSequence reEnd,
FaAction endAction,
DfaRun.FailedMatchBehaviour outsideRoi,
Nfa client)
wraps a
Nfa into another one which defines a region
of interest (ROI). |
Constructor and Description |
SearchReplace(java.lang.String regexp,
java.lang.String format)
calls the four parameter constructor with
sp=null and
count==-1 . |
SearchReplace(java.lang.String regexp,
java.lang.String format,
int count)
calls the four parameter constructor with
sp==null . |
SearchReplace(java.lang.String regexp,
TextSplitter sp,
Formatter fmt,
int count)
creates an action to search and replace within a match.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static void |
DictFilter.main(java.lang.String[] argv)
run on the commandline with
-h to get a description. |
Constructor and Description |
DictFilter( mwtFile,
java.lang.String inputType,
java.lang.String elemName,
boolean verbose) |
DictFilter( mwtFile,
java.lang.String inputType,
java.lang.String elemName,
boolean verbose,
boolean memDebug,
boolean defaultWord)
creates a
DictFilter from the given
Reader which must comply to the format
described above. |
Grep(boolean copy,
boolean autoPrio,
java.lang.String[] args)
create a
Grep without ROI. |
Grep(java.lang.String roiOn,
java.lang.String roiOff,
java.lang.String rfOn,
java.lang.String rfOff,
DfaRun.FailedMatchBehaviour fmRoi,
boolean select,
boolean copyEnv,
boolean autoPrio,
java.lang.String[] args)
create a
Grep with ROI. |